Please !!! Voice Your Support for LGBT Community in Taiwan and local Same Sex Marriage Movement

LGBT Community in Southeast Asian countries are constantly under siege and being attacked by traditional family values and religious prosecutions. In recent weeks, LGBT community in Taiwan bore witness of such prejudice further as they fight for their marriage equality.
In October 2013, Taiwan's legislative body started the process to revise its Civil Code #972 (a piece of law defining marriage's legal status) and attempt to provide legal marital status for same-sex and transgender couples for the first time in history. The revision, once fully reviewed by judicial body and declared as new law, will allow all couples to marry legally in Taiwan, disregards their sexual preferences and/or sexual identities.
However, as many marriage equality bills around the world would face, many local Christian groups and traditionalists raised their objections.
Very quickly, many Christian groups in Taiwan labeled the bill as "the bill encouraging Sodomy." These opponents believe that once the revision is completed, the law would encourage people to practice sexual intercourse with close relatives, under-age children, even animals. Also, they are afraid of the law would destroy traditional values for the society and heterosexual-couple families.
Based on these opinions, a group called "Happiness of the Next Generation Alliance" (保護家庭聯盟) called for a massive protest held in the capital city Taipei on November 30th, 2013.
Over tens of thousands protestors gathered together calling for the rejection of Revision of Civil Code #972 on November 30th and they claimed the protest was meant for protecting traditional family value and allowing children to live in a society in whichthe definition of "family" is consist with only one male and one female parent. The group also claimed the protest was not meant to discriminate local LGBT community and stated it was organized out of compassion and love for children's future in Taiwan.
However, many incidents occurred during the protest proved the event was nothing BUT discriminating and an act to deny the Freedom of Speech of LGBT community.
First of all, there was sighting of a male protestor dressed in Nazi German soldier uniform. According to local news media report, when asked why dressed up in the uniform, he replied "I am against homosexuality, so did Nazi Germany. This is why I dress in this way."
(Report link:
Furthermore, according to local freelance reporter, Mr. J. Michael Cole, when pro-same sex marriage activists tried to approach the crowd with signs written with messages cheering for marriage equality, protesters used human-shield to circle around them and denied their passages. Such act clearly violated the Freedom of Speech of those who support same-sex marriage. Yet, when the police officers witnessed such violation, no action was taken to protect those activists.
Pro-Marriage Equality activist circled by protesters and denied passage
In addition to the unacceptable violation, according to Mr. Cole's report, there were even incidences of protesters seemingly try to "PRAY Away" the homosexuality from gay activists while circling them.
Protesters raised up their arms and attempted "praying" on gay activists.
Though the group claimed the protest was peaceful, the facts have spoken otherwise. While stating they acted out of love and compassion, they denied the right which LGBT community members deserve to marry whom they love. The incidents occurred during the protest were extremely discriminating and it was clear that they meant to silence the voice of local LGBT community.
Therefore, this message is to call for the support of all LGBT communities around the world. Marriage equality in Taiwan needs your attention, your voice, and your help. We need to muster all the attention we can get so the government in Taiwan can see the change for equality cannot wait any longer.
Sincerely Yours,
Photo courtesy and first-hand account report by J. Michael Cole.
(Report link:
Furthermore, according to local freelance reporter, Mr. J. Michael Cole, when pro-same sex marriage activists tried to approach the crowd with signs written with messages cheering for marriage equality, protesters used human-shield to circle around them and denied their passages. Such act clearly violated the Freedom of Speech of those who support same-sex marriage. Yet, when the police officers witnessed such violation, no action was taken to protect those activists.
Pro-Marriage Equality activist circled by protesters and denied passage
In addition to the unacceptable violation, according to Mr. Cole's report, there were even incidences of protesters seemingly try to "PRAY Away" the homosexuality from gay activists while circling them.
Protesters raised up their arms and attempted "praying" on gay activists.
Though the group claimed the protest was peaceful, the facts have spoken otherwise. While stating they acted out of love and compassion, they denied the right which LGBT community members deserve to marry whom they love. The incidents occurred during the protest were extremely discriminating and it was clear that they meant to silence the voice of local LGBT community.
Therefore, this message is to call for the support of all LGBT communities around the world. Marriage equality in Taiwan needs your attention, your voice, and your help. We need to muster all the attention we can get so the government in Taiwan can see the change for equality cannot wait any longer.
Sincerely Yours,
Photo courtesy and first-hand account report by J. Michael Cole.